When it comes to politics, lower expectations mean less disappointment

My expectations of politicians are pretty low. That way, they don’t disappoint me, and when they do something right I can be pleasantly surprised.
One thing I’ve always found fascinating is how some politicians can turn what’s supposed to be a part-time, temporary job into a lifetime career. I understand times have changed and there are more demands on our politicians, especially the ones in Washington, but the intent never was for representatives and senators to serve in perpetuity; that’s reserved for federal judges and popes.
On the state level, our lawmakers have one theoretical 90-day session a year now, one to legislate and one to budget. The sessions seldom last just 90 days, and there are committee meetings and such throughout the year. Even at that, being a legislator technically still is a part-time job with commensurate pay. And, again, it’s not supposed to be a permanent position, even though they try to make it one.
In the guise of giving voters ethics and campaign reforms — which are needed — those little dickens in Little Rock slipped in a provision on Issue 3 to junk the term limits voters approved in favor of a total of 16 years that a lawmaker can serve and worded it in a way they hoped voters wouldn’t notice. One job for 16 years is pretty much a career at something to me, especially since being on the state payroll that long entitles legislators to a pension.
Now, if legislators say being a legislator is a full-time job, then let’s make it one for them. You get elected to the Legislature, then while you’re in office you take a sabbatical from your law practice, turn your business over to someone else to run, and quit or take a leave of absence if you work for someone else. You then devote your full attention to working for the people, with an appropriate full-time salary (but not one that would make you rich).
Let’s see the Legislature propose an amendment like that next time.
Speaking of low expectations of politicians, I heard a radio commercial that really got my goat. It’s from the Republican Party of Arkansas and, its baritone-voiced announcer proclaims, in essence, Democrats are godless people. That’s a pretty broad accusation, even with clips of some function with a voice vote to leave reference to the deity out of a political platform. It’s like saying Republicans are crazy. Not all Republicans are crazy, and not every Republican can be found on a front pew Sunday mornings, either. Not all Democrats are liberal, nor will they be found sacrificing chickens, either.
I may aggravate few folks, but I don’t care about a politician’s religion. Their personal morals and ethics and how they do the job they’re elected to do is what I care about. I don’t care if they’re Baptist or Buddhist, Catholic or Jewish, or if they worship nature or nothing at all as long as they do what’s right for the people, follow the laws they make and are honest. Those are more important to me than their religion.
Campaign advertising like that from the Arkansas Republicans just reinforces my low expectations of politics.
Election day is Tuesday.
A lot of folks already have voted, but for those who haven’t I encourage you to exercise your right and make informed decisions.
Think seriously about your vote, know what you’re voting for or against, and when it comes to candidates, think about their records — not the campaign commercials — and what they say they will do rather than what they say they’re against.
There may not be a lot to pick from, but pick as wisely as you can.


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