There's something somewhere for everyone

Have you ever wondered why there's a TV channel nowadays for just about everything? Just punch your remote buttons and you'll find a network for everything from hunting and fishing to selling rocks; not diamonds, rocks.
That's because folks have discovered niche markets, which means for almost anything you have there are other people out there interested in it, too. And it's not just TV. There are niche markets all over the Internet, too, and even out here in the real world.
That's why there have been so many shops and stores dedicated to making and selling cupcakes, especially once TV networks caught on and produced about a dozen or so cupcake shows. It proved to be the perfect melding of cupcake lovers and entrepreneurs who could meet their needs. The lovers got cupcakes, and the entrepreneurs got their money.
In a sense, a niche market is a lot like specialized versions of the old mom-and-pop stores. With all the behemoth corporations dominating almost everything, it's refreshing to see the little guys and gals carving out their niches in the world. Most have discovered the key, which is not to compete with the behemoths, but to offer things and provide services the big guys can't. Or won't.
Looking for a custom-made dress or other clothing? Odds are there's a seamstress or two in your town, or nearby, who can accommodate you when the chain department stores can't. I've met a couple of ladies at Branson who make clothes, costumes and specialty items. They produce these unique items for customers who can't get them elsewhere locally, or regionally.
There's also a lot of bartering and trading in these niche markets, too. In the case of the Branson ladies, they sometimes provide outfits for photo shoots or fashion shows in exchange for the recognition and promotion (although they also do sell the items, too; can't live on promotion alone). Someone who is handy at leatherworking can make a belt or vest for someone else who provides them leather or skins for them to use, then use the rest to make salable products.
Sure, it's a lot like the old days, but there were some good practices from that time.
Amazingly, what started me thinking about niche markets was a review of the new movie The Best of Me. It's based on a Nicholas Sparks novel, it's a tear-jerker romance that Sparks is known for, and movie critics aren't overly fond of it, or most of his work. However, there's a built-in audience waiting to see it, and will see it, because Nicholas Sparks has his own niche market. He has millions of readers who can't wait to see their favorite books made into movies and will see them no matter what critics say. He knows what to give them, they know what to expect, and all is right in their world.
It's the same thing with horror movies, or low-budget action movies. There are audiences for them and that's who the makers aim to please — their niche market — who, in turn, know what they're getting when they buy their tickets because it's what they like.
Thanks to independent publishing via the Web, there are plenty of niche market e-books out there by writers who might not be accepted by big-time publishers, but who have developed their own followings in their own niche markets. Same thing with music. You don't have to listen to the same homogenized crud on the radio when independent artists are producing all kinds of music in all kids of styles, and a lot of it better than the big-name artists who get all the airplay. Even some big-time stars who aren't quite as hot any more have discovered they can get straight to their fans without going through the music corporations. Niche markets, again.
I guess what it boils down to is that despite corporate domination of almost everything and critics, there are folks who still can give people what they want, no matter how small the market, or audience. Why does that TV channel sell shiny rocks? Because there are people who want them, just as there are folks who will see every Nicholas Sparks movie ever made.


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