There's no one else like Kenton Treat
Kenton Treat definitely was one of a kind. I’ve never known anyone quite like him, and likely never will again.
When Kim and I first began dating, the most important approval she wanted of me after her father was that of her Uncle Kenton.
I don’t know if it was critical, but I know it meant a lot to her. I have to admit, after Kim told me about Kenton, I was feeling a little intimidated at the idea of meeting him.
On our first meeting, both Kenton and I were a bit quiet; he was sizing up this chubby, bearded guy who was seeing his niece, and I was trying to be on my best behavior.
Although there was no formal announcement to the family or anything like that, after we left, Kim told me I’d passed the Kenton test.
I’m not sure what it was exactly, but I was glad that I had. She’d explained to me that her dad, Keith,was in the hospital a lot when she was a girl, and she’d stayed with her Uncle Kenton and Aunt Carolyn and their three children — Sheila, Teresa and Kenny — a lot. They treated her like one of their own, she said as she shared stories about her stays.
Then, I knew why Kenton’s approval was so important to her, which made it even more important to me. I got to tell him that last week, and I’m glad I did.
Kenton was the kind of man you had to get to know. Low key at first, maybe even a bit guarded, but as he got to know you — and you him — he opened up more. “Always tell it like it is,” he’d say, and he did. Kenton wasn’t shy about sharing his opinion, and he had plenty of them. Whether it was politics, business, or family, there was no doubt where Kenton stood. Sometimes he might seem like just a good ol’ boy from the Ozarks, but he could hold his own with anyone from anywhere in the world. And did.
After being in the Navy and working as an electrician in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, Kenton settled his family back home here in the hills.
He had some health issues of his own, but he never let them stop him. Like his brothers, Kenton was a good horse trader and always was on the lookout for opportunity. That resulted in him having his finger in lots of pies. But, while he proved to be masterly at wheeling and dealing, he was honest about it, and usually everyone involved benefited in some way.
At the same time, Kenton liked being below the radar. You never could accuse him of being a glory hog. He was a low-key, in-the-background kind of guy who didn’t look for the spotlight, and wasn’t really comfortable whenever he was. (This might even be a bit too much attention for him.) Yet, people in all places, high and low, knew who he was, and they respected him and sometimes called on him for advice. And, to be honest, people also knew not to cross him, his family or his friends; he was a close friend with karma.
Kenton always kept busy. He didn’t like idle time, no matter what time of day it was. At his place, there always was something that needed to be done — checking on the cows (even during the night), building fence, clearing brush, building tree stands, working on the house, hauling hay, and so forth. He had an amazing amount of energy and enjoyed working, and seeing others working.
It wasn’t always business, though, for Kenton. He was raised in Marion County where his father was Floyd “Big” Treat, a well-known guide, from whom Kenton developed a love of the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, camping, anything that could be done outdoors. Some of his favorite times were spent in the woods and afield. Kenton liked sharing his outdoors knowledge with others, especially youngsters. It was Uncle Kenton who helped our son Eli get his first deer, a big buck.
He especially enjoyed journeying out west — Colorado, Wyoming and into the Rockies — on hunting expeditions. If it was American big game, he’d hunted it. And he did a good job of cooking what he harvested, too. I think if he could have, Kenton would have spent all his time in the woods and on hunting adventures.
During the last year or so, his health issues grew, but they didn’t keep Kenton down. He took time for an extended trip, visiting old friends from one end of the country to the other, rehashing old memories, making new ones, taking time to savor and enjoy life’s offerings. Kenton knew what lay ahead of him, and just as he always had, he made the most of everything.
And, as always, he faced it on his terms. Like he did throughout his life, and like Frank Sinatra sang, Kenton Treat did it his way.
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