Thankful for family, Skittles and Uncle Si
A lot of folks have been saying what they’re thankful for this month. It’s a big thing on Facebook with many people posts daily about something they’re thankful for that day. I’m thankful for many things, too.
I’m thankful it’s Saturday. (Yesterday, on Facebook, I posted that I was thankful it was Friday.)
I’m thankful the elections are over, and will be even more thankful when the analyses and autopsies of them are complete, too, and politicians can go back to normal bickering.
I’m thankful Honey Boo Boo is not a twin.
I’m thankful we live in a country where people can say anything they want about anything (well, almost anything) no matter how offensive, stupid, or insulting it may be. Otherwise, I’d probably be out of a job.
I’m thankful for 572 TV channels, even if their programmers are able to schedule absolutely nothing worth watching at the same time.
I’m thankful for “Duck Dynasty” and the Robertson family for TV worth watching, for the laughs, the fun and showing that a family doesn’t have to be full of dysfunctional, obnoxious, foul-mouthed drunks, skanks and low-lifes to be on TV. I’m also thankful for Uncle Si, whose stories and vocabulary sometimes reminds me of my Dad, and makes me laugh out loud.
Speaking of “Duck Dynasty,” I’m thankful for ZZ Top, who provides the theme song and has impressive facial hair in common with the Robertsons. Plus, ZZ Top has some of the best driving music around.
Speaking of facial hair, I’m thankful mine hasn’t followed the hair on top of my head and fallen out.
I’m thankful for coffee. Actually, others should be thankful I have coffee, otherwise, to paraphrase Bill Bixby from “The Incredible Hulk,” you wouldn’t want to see me when I don’t have coffee. Yeah, very similar results.
I’m thankful to live in a country where just about anyone can become a celebrity for anything, or at least get their own show on TLC. On second thought, no, I’m not.
I’m thankful for “Hoarders,” because my desk doesn’t look so bad in comparison.
I’m thankful for books — ebooks, paperbacks, hardcover, fiction, non-fiction, picture, comic/graphic books. No matter what the day is like, getting lost in good book always makes it better.
I’m thankful for Facebook and Twitter, otherwise I’d have never met so many diverse, interesting, talented people from around the country and around the world, nor would I have been able to reconnect with old friends who have scattered to the winds. Sometimes, it’s eye-opening to see things the way someone half-way around the globe sees them, and at the same time realize how much so many people have in common. (A shout out to my Canadian, British and Australian friends.)
I’m thankful for the “mute” button on the remote control when obnoxious commercials come on the TV. It gets a lot of use.
I’m thankful that friends and family who have faces health problems have overcome or are successfully dealing with them. I’m grateful for the blessings they have received.
I’m thankful that no matter where you go, there you are.
I’m thankful for the mini-packs of Skittles that Amelia gave me to put in my satchel. Yes, I have a satchel — Indiana Jones carries one — and there are Skittles in there.
I’m thankful for old dogs, children and watermelon wine as well as merlot, an occasional steak and mince pie. Oh, and sometimes a margarita.
I’m thankful for beautiful sunsets, because I’m usually asleep during beautiful sunrises.
I’m thankful for our beautiful daughter Amelia, and our handsome son Eli. It’s hard to believe neither are youngsters any more. He’s out on his own, and while he may not come around as much as we’d like, Eli says he’s happy with his life, and that makes me happy. She’s become quite a young lady, and Amelia should have a fantastic future in front of her. Kim and I are proud of both our children.
I’m thankful for our family and extended family. Sometimes it seems our friends are more like family, and we’re fortunate to have so many “adopted” children and grandchildren. Many will gather at our home Thanksgiving Day to eat probably more than should be consumed at one sitting, but we’re looking forward to it, to the fellowship and the love and another good time.
Last, but certainly not least, as they say, I’m thankful for you for putting up with me week to week, for letting me share my rambling thoughts and occasional rants. I appreciate you all, because without you, there’s another reason I’d be out of a job.
Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!
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